Now is the time to move to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor

Do you currently wear a FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor?
The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor will be discontinued in the UK end of August 2025.
Speak to your healthcare professional to get your prescription updated to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor.

Find out how to switch >

ADC-104300 v1.0

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A member of our Customer Service team will then get in touch to help.

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mylife Loop Automated Insulin Delivery System

Authorised to work with the FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor^

Woman using the FreeStyle Libre 3 system with her Ypsomed Pump
Woman using the FreeStyle Libre 3 system with her Ypsomed Pump
Woman using the FreeStyle Libre 3 system with her Ypsomed Pump

Minute-to-minute glucose readings—combined with the mylife Loop AID system—for easier diabetes management

FreeStyle Libre 3 logo in blue next to FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor

FreeStyle Libre 3

FreeStyle Libre 3 is the most accurate 14-day continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system2,6, delivering minute-to-minute glucose readings from the world's smallest sensor.1

Ypsomed Card Thumbnail next to YpsoPump

mylife Loop^

The mylife Loop system consists of the mylife CamAPS FX app3 and the mylife YpsoPump insulin pump for automated insulin delivery.

Improve your glycaemic control

with the mylife Loop AID system, authorised to work with the FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor

How the FreeStyle Libre 3 and Ypsomed devices work together

Automated insulin delivery on the mylife YpsoPump from your compatible smartphone with the mylife CamAPS FX app3

Novopen scanning with the FreeStyle LibreLink app

Automatic adjustment of
insulin delivery

based on FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor readings to prevent low and high glucose levels

Glucose reading

Discreet and convenient
remote bolus delivery

from your smartphone3

Learn your glucose patterns

Convenient bolus
suggestion calculations

based on continuous glucose monitoring data from your FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor

Meet FreeStyle Libre 3

NextGen CGM designed to fit into your life

  • The world’s smallest, thinnest,1 and most discreet4 sensor

  • The strongest and most reliable CGM connection5

FreeStyle LibreLink & Insulin Pen


NICE recommends HCL systems

like mylife Loop AID system for managing blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes6

This means you could be eligible for automated insulin delivery system using the accurate, minute-to-minute readings from your FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor.7

Boy with a FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor holding a ball
Novopen scanning with the FreeStyle LibreLink app

Ask your Healthcare Professional about
FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor

Now authorised to work with the mylife Loop^ automated insulin delivery system

References & Disclaimers

Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.

CGM=continuous glucose monitor.

1. Among patient-applied sensors.

2. Comparison based on publicly available information. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care Inc.

3. Note that you require a compatible mylife YpsoPump to use the mylife CamAPS FX app for automated insulin delivery and the mylife App with remote bolus feature.

4. Data on file. Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc.

5. Based on signal strength in Dexcom G6 User Guide and Medtronic Guardian Connect System User Guide. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc.

6. NICE technology appraisal guidance TA943 (2023). Available at Accessed April 2024.

7. FreeStyle Libre 3 user manual.

^ FreeStyle Libre 3 is authorised to work with the mylife Loop automated insulin delivery system, including the mylife CamAPS FX app and mylife YpsoPump insulin pump. For use of FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor with the mylife Loop, refer to the labeling provided with the mylife CamAPS FX app.

The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. mylife and YpsoPump are registered trademarks of Ypsomed AG. CamAPS is a registered trademark of CamDiab Ltd. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For use of FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor with the mylife Loop, refer to the labeling provided with the mylife CamAPS FX app.
