Important announcement for FreeStyle LibreLink app users.

Make sure you are running the latest FreeStyle LibreLink app – version 2.12.0. 
Having the latest app is key to getting the best performance.

Learn More >

ADC-109380 v1.0

Now is the time to move to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor

Do you currently wear a FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor?
The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor will be discontinued in the UK end of August 2025.
Speak to your healthcare professional to get your prescription updated to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor.

Find out how to switch >

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A Tiny Revolution Making a Big Impact

We live in a world of ever-advancing tech, where we can do more, see more and be more than those who went before us. But sometimes, just because science enables us to do something, it doesn’t mean it is the practical, sustainable, or ethical choice. 

Concorde turbojets, a technological revolution of the 1970s, were great. So fast! Who wouldn’t want to cross the Atlantic in under three hours? Well, as it turned out, not enough people. High fuel consumption and excessive maintenance costs made it financially unviable, and that’s without viewing it through today’s lens when we also – rightly – consider the cost to the planet. Sometimes, however, advancement that makes things quicker and easier for us can be affordable. And, when it’s done well, the earth doesn’t have to pay the price for it either.

Thousands of people living with diabetes already benefit from today’s Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems, which automatically track glucose levels day and night.

They’re fast and convenient to use, accurate, and drastically reduce the amount of kit you have to cart around with you: replacing a blood glucose meter, test strips, finger pricker or lancing device, a lancet, cotton wool and a diabetes diary with a small sensor that links to a smartphone for readings whenever, wherever.

If you’re already using CGM, then you’ll know what a difference it can make to your day-to-day, affording you the freedom to get up and go wherever life takes you. Some systems will even send your glucose readings safely and securely to your healthcare team, so that they have all the data they need to help you better manage your diabetes.

Similarly, you can use special apps to set up alerts for your friends and family, so they receive your glucose level updates and benefit from peace of mind without it adding to your ‘to-do’ list.

 A group of people laughing

It’s all a far cry from pricking your finger, writing down your results and ringing round to tell your nearest and dearest that you’re okay. But, as good as it is, things have just got better. Responsible healthcare companies are now looking to further enhance user-convenience while still going easy on the earth.

The very latest model from Abbott is the FreeStyle Libre 3 system. It uses the world's smallest, thinnest1 glucose sensor to provide increased connectivity and continuous glucose monitoring with unrivalled 14-day accuracy, especially in the low glucose range.2 Sitting securely and discreetly3 on the back of the upper arm, it sends readings to your smartphone every4 minute – you don’t even have to scan it. It’s also fully waterproof for up to 30 minutes5 and stays in place even during exercise. 

Daily patterns shown on a smartphone next to FreeStyle Libre 3 sensor

While its small size certainly packs a punch in terms of functionality, it also makes it kinder on the planet. The FreeStyle Libre 3 on-body sensor is about 70% smaller than FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor. This means that the new model is more sustainable than its predecessors, using 41% less plastic and 43% less carton paper.3

With the FreeStyle Libre 3 system, you can have the latest tech without letting the planet pay the price.

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References & Disclaimers

Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patients or data.

1.  Among patient-applied sensors. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care.

2. Alva S, Bailey T, Brazg R, et al. Accuracy of a 14-Day Factory-Calibrated Continuous Glucose Monitoring System With Advanced Algorithm in Pediatric and Adult Population With Diabetes [published online ahead of print, 2020 Sep 19]. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2020;1932296820958754.

3. Data on file, Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc.

4. The FreeStyle Libre 3 app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please checkour website for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Sharing of glucose data requires registration with LibreView.

5. Sensor is water-resistant in up to1 meter (3 feet) of water. Do not immerse longer than 30 minutes.



