Now is the time to move to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor

Do you currently wear a FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor?
The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor will be discontinued in the UK end of August 2025.
Speak to your healthcare professional to get your prescription updated to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor.

Find out how to switch >

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Technology That Adapts to
My Pace of Life

Type 2 Diabetes During Diwali:
top tips and advice

A Giant Leap For People With Diabetes

By Lynn Whitworth who lives with type 2 diabetes

Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your healthcare professional about your diabetes management. Individual symptoms, situations and circumstances may vary.

Approved on 02/12/2022

An elderly women smiling with a nature background

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 34 years ago. Both my parents lived with type 2 as well as one of my grandparents, so I was told it’s no surprise that I also inherited it.

I started to feel extremely tired and would fall asleep as soon as I arrived home from working plus the more frequent trips to the bathroom. I was sent for a glucose tolerance test which confirmed I had type 2 diabetes.

More insights with diabetes technology

I came across the FreeStyle Libre system after I read an article on the internet about three years ago from people who found it really helpful. Wow no more painful finger pricking†, no more ruined clothes from dripping blood that took time to stop. I searched the internet to see if it was available in the UK. It was, but you had to purchase it. It was expensive but I was working so I self-funded for approximately two years. 

The difference to my control was amazing. I just had to flash my iPhone over the sensor on the back of my upper arm to get a result instantly. No more painful bleeding fingers and so easy and convenient to use; as far as I was concerned this was a massive step forward in diabetes control.

A wealth of data I can act on and share

It was great for driving*, sport or any daily activity really. I wasn’t loading up on food just in case my glucose dropped anymore because I could see at a glance what I needed. 

I like the instant reading. And the HbA1c based on my readings I found good. But I felt the ability to add someone to the app, via LibreLinkUp§, who could be alerted to a hypo or hyper was a great feature. My diabetes team – both the hospital medical team and my GP surgery - are also able to see my readings so when I have my appointments, they can see trends and offer advice etc. ₼ φ

I am completely up to speed with how my glucose levels are performing with just a quick flash of my phone over the sensor. I recently transitioned to the FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with optional alarms. The low glucose alarm is so good. I usually have it set to just before hypo range and I always carry dextrose with me so I can take action early. It also alerts me at night if my glucose levels drop.

Support from family and friends

My family and friends support me by being understanding of diabetes. They don’t mind me having to inject insulin prior to meals (in fact they usually remind me to take it), and they now advise on carb values of food they’ve prepared too.

When we go out for a day or at the weekend, they even plan stops for me to be able to eat and keep an eye on my glucose levels. 

From self-funding to FreeStyle Libre 2 on prescription

Over the years, my diabetes medication changed. I was no longer able to tolerate metformin. So the only option left to me was insulin. I asked if I could have the sensor on prescription but was told only people with type 1 diabetes get them.

I didn’t give up. I fought hard to get the sensors prescribed, with the help of Diabetes UK’s Flash advocacy pack (PDF, 297 KB), as I was no longer able to self-fund. I didn’t see why something which was a major leap forward in diabetes control was restricted. Eventually I was given my sensors. The authorisation had to come from the hospital diabetes team to my GP so it could be prescribed each month. 

For me, the FreeStyle Libre 2 system is a giant leap for people with diabetes. And I believe all people with diabetes should have this. Because we all end up with the same health-related issues caused by diabetes. If this can help us by gaining better control, we can delay or prevent some of those problems.

Lynn is based in North Wales. After a career in IT in the healthcare sector, she is now the main carer for her mother, who also lives with type 2 diabetes and some its complications. 

Lynn received a fee to write this blog. The views expressed are her own and not necessarily those of Abbott.

Technology That Adapts to
My Pace of Life

Type 2 Diabetes During Diwali:
top tips and advice

References and Disclaimers

 Finger pricks are required if glucose readings and alarms do not match symptoms or expectations.

‡ 60-minute warm-up required when applying the sensor.

* The DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) has permitted the use of Flash Glucose Monitoring systems for the purpose of driving with Group 1 drivers. More information at

§ The LibreLinkUp app is only compatible with certain mobile device and operating systems. Please check for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of LibreLinkUp and FreeStyle LibreLink requires registration with LibreView. The LibreLinkUp mobile app is not intended to be a primary glucose monitor: home users must consult their primary device(s) and consult a healthcare professional before making any medical interpretation and therapy adjustments from the information provided by the app.

 The LibreView website is only compatible with certain operating systems and browsers. Please check for additional information.

Φ For a complete glycaemic picture, scan once every 8 hours.

 Patients choose which device they want to receive alarms: FreeStyle Libre 2 reader or FreeStyle LibreLink app. They must start their FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with that selected device. Once the patient scans their FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with that device, they can receive alarms only on that device. The FreeStyle LibreLink app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check the website for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of FreeStyle LibreLink requires registration with LibreView.
