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A man and woman preparing food. She's wearing a freestyle libre sensor.
A man and woman preparing food. She's wearing a freestyle libre sensor.
A man and woman preparing food. She's wearing a freestyle libre sensor.

The best food for people living with diabetes

The most important part of diabetes management is consuming the right diet for diabetes. For people living with diabetes there is a constant struggle to balance blood sugars against food. You don’t need to go on a diet or completely stop eating sugary foods if you’re living with diabetes. You also don’t need to make the mistake of first letting your blood sugar levels get too high, and then having to diet and work hard to lower it, but you do need to take precaution for diabetes.

You need to see eating diabetes-friendly food as a way of life. Instead of constantly guessing which foods you should eat and whether they’ll have an effect on your blood sugar, have a list of foods that you can eat regularly. Below is a list of food for people living with diabetes so you can ensure you stay healthy.

1. Eat leafy greens

Leafy greens, beans and cabbage are some of the best foods for diabetes control.56 They are excellent sugar control food and sources of several vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, which is beneficial for controlling diabetes, and high blood pressure as well. These can easily be incorporated into the daily diet for people living with diabetes and be eaten with roti or rice at lunch or dinner.

2. Have plenty of non-starchy vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables are also a great food for diabetes. They lower the impact on your blood sugar and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. You can eat up to 3 cups of these vegetables per meal without them having a major impact on your blood sugar, making them the perfect sugar control food. Non-starchy vegetables include carrots, cucumber, onions, peppers, tomatoes, sprouts, celery, radish, pumpkin, mushrooms, broccoli, okra, eggplant, and cauliflower.

3. Snack on non-starchy fruits and low GI fruits

If you love fruits, there are many fruits and berries that fit into the list of food for people living with diabetes. Fruits aren’t exactly sugar control food, as they’re high in both carbohydrate content and sugar content, which raises glucose levels. However, fruits are important to your overall well-being as they contain vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, and lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

The best fruits to eat are those that are low in carbohydrates and GI. These fruits include blackberries, strawberries, oranges, dates, and pears. You can eat them as snacks in between meals. A large serving of low-GI food is great sugar control food, as it raises your glucose levels as much as a small amount of high-FI food. It is better to indulge in a large serving of strawberries and oranges, as they’ll keep you fuller for longer.

4. Eat healthy carbs

Carbohydrates are not usually seen as the best food for sugar patients. Carbohydrates directly affect blood glucose levels more than other nutrients, so eating the right carbs is an important precaution for diabetes. The body breaks down starch and glucose into glucose.

Foods that consist of processed carbs and those that contain added sugars can cause a rise in your blood glucose levels quickly. You should avoid bread, pasta, cereal, sweet potatoes, dessert, and baked goods. Having whole grains, brown rice, brown bread, oatmeal, amaranth, and quinoa instead will enable you to indulge in carbs while having the right diet for diabetes.

5. Consume low-fat and low-carb proteins

Low-fat and low-carb proteins are an important part of the diet for people living with diabetes., as they are some of the best food for diabetes control. Some types of carbohydrates are quickly converted to glucose which could lead to a spike, and high-fat proteins can lead to weight gain and less control over blood sugar levels. The best protein foods for sugar patients are eggs, beans, seafood, nuts, seeds, seafood, and low-fat dairy. The best meats include chicken and lamb.

That’s the food that is essential for the diet for people living with diabetes. You can see that there is still a variety of food for sugar patients, and that you don’t have to stick to tasteless or boring options. If you eat these healthy foods every day, you will even be able to indulge in sweets and junk food once in a while. Precaution for diabetes must always be taken, but once in a while, it’s okay to be unhealthy, if your health allows it.

Once you’ve read this list of foods for people living with diabetes and understood the best food for diabetes control, the next step is to make a diet plan. Nutritionists and doctors can create a plan for you that helps you consume the right diet for diabetes.

For more of the best food for diabetes control, diets for people living with diabetes, food for diabetic patients, exercising tips, and information on the best glucose monitoring devices, check out some of our blogs.

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Abbreviations: GI: glycemic index.

Reference: 56. The Generics Pharmacy. 7 Vegetables Diabetics Must Eat. Accessed 3 July 2023. Available at:

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