Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or Health Care Professional.
Simulated data for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.
1. Choose a site that is at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) away from an insulin injection site. To prevent discomfort or skin irritation, you should select a different site other than the one most recently used.
2. CAUTION: Do NOT use if the sensor pack or the sensor applicator seem to be damaged or already opened. Do NOT use if past expiration date.
3. CAUTION: The sensor applicator now contains a needle. Do NOT touch inside the sensor applicator or put it back into the sensor pack.
4. CAUTION: Do NOT push down on the sensor applicator until placed over prepared site to prevent unintended results or injury.
5. Applying the sensor may cause bruising or bleeding. If there is bleeding that does not stop, remove the sensor and apply a new one at a different site. Make sure the sensor is secure after application.
6. Finger pricks are required if glucose readings do not match symptoms or expectations.