
FreeStyle Libre  continuous glucose monitoring

FreeStyle Libre  continuous glucose monitoring

Understand your personal glucose trends

With a quick scan of the sensor, FreeStyle Libre shows you where your glucose levels have been, and where they are heading



cgm continuous glucose monitoring
Handheld reader device

Glucose trends and arrows can improve overall diabetes management and help you improve your Time in Range

Tips to Remember

Two arrows - one pointing up, one pointing down

The sensor is continuously measuring your glucose. You get more information than from a finger prick test, which is only a single point in time

glucose reading with the handheld reader

Use all pieces of information—current glucose reading, trend arrow, and glucose history graph—before deciding what to do

Understand your personal glucose trends

With a quick scan of the sensor, FreeStyle Libre shows you where your glucose levels have been, and where they are heading

Daily Patterns

The graph shows the variability of glucose levels over multiple hours and days.

The thick black line shows the midpoint of your glucose readings.
(Daily Patterns needs at least 5 days of glucose data.)

FreeStyle Libre Daily Patterns Screen Images are for illustrative purpose only. Not actual patient data

Time in Target

Time in Range or Time in Target, is the percentage of the time that the person spends with his / her glucose levels in the target glucose range.

The graph shows how much percentage of time sensor readings were:

  • Above,
  • Within Range,
  • and below.
FreeStyle Libre Time In Target Screen Images are for illustrative purpose only. Not actual patient data

Low Glucose Events

The graph shows information about the number of low glucose events measured by your sensor.

Low glucose events are recorded when glucose readings are lower than 70mg/dL for longer than 15 minutes.

FreeStyle Libre Low Glucose Events Screen Images are for illustrative purpose only. Not actual patient data

Disclaimer - Images are for illustration purpose only. No actual patient data. Any person depicted in the photos is a model
