Cost & Coverage

FreeStyle Libre is available at independent pharmacies.
Women working on compute

Cash Pay

People who use FreeStyle Libre systems were able to  lower their A1c27 levels. 

FreeStyle Libre Retailers 

FreeStyle Libre 2 is available at most retail pharmacies. Ask your pharmacist to order FreeStyle Libre 2 if it’s not available in their pharmacy. 

FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor Nappi code:  1170902-001 

FreeStyle Libre 2 reader Nappi code:  1187188-001

An icon representation of two stacks of coins.

Important Information

Discovery members can claim their FreeStyle Libre 2 sensors from Pharmacy Direct,

M-Kem or Medipost only. If a Discovery Health member claims from a pharmacy not listed above, the price of each sensor may be greater than the approved Discovery CGM benefit amount. 

Private Medical Aid

FreeStyle Libre systems are fully, or partially covered by many private medical aids in South Africa. Consult with your medical aid to learn more about coverage details and eligibility.   


You might need a clinical motivation from your healthcare professional before your medical aid will cover your FreeStyle Libre sensors. 

Clinical Motivation forms

Here you can find useful forms to assist you and your healthcare professional with a clinical motivation for access to FreeStyle Libre 2.  Submit the completed motivation forms directly to your medical aid. 

Are you a Discovery Health member?

If you are a Discovery Health Medical Scheme member living with type I diabetes, your FreeStyle Libre 2 sensors might be fully covered depending on your age, and plan option.


As a Discovery Health member, the pharmacy you use to claim for your sensors, may determine if an additional payment is required.

The following pharmacies are registered to assist you with your Discovery Health CGM benefit:

  • M-KEM (Based in Cape Town) 
  • Pharmacy Direct Aid
  • Medipost

If you claim from a pharmacy not listed above, the price of each sensor may be greater than the approved Discovery limit, and the difference between the amount covered by Discovery Health, and amount billed by the pharmacy, would be for your own account.

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ADC-101693 v2.0 Dec 2024