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The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor

The sensor sends real-time glucose readings to your smartphone1. It updates the reading every minute.

Designed to be water-resistant, it can be worn for up to 14 days, even during activities like swimming, showering, and exercising2.

The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor
Sensor 1

Choosing the site

Select an area on the back of your upper arm, avoiding areas with moles, scarring, or recent insulin injections. Select a different site than the one most recently used.

Sensor 2

Preparing your skin

Clean the skin with soap and water, dry the skin, wipe skin with an alcohol swab (let it air-dry) before proceeding. The site selected on the back of the upper arm should be clean-shaven.

Sensor 3

Applying the sensor

The sensor pack and sensor applicator are packaged as a set.

Do you have any further questions about the FreeStyle Libre 2 system?

For further information please contact our Customer Service Team

Images and simulated data for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.

1. The FreeStyle LibreLink app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check the website for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of FreeStyle LibreLink requires registration with LibreView. Automatic upload requires a wireless internet connection or mobile data connection.

2. Sensor is water-resistant in up to 1 meter (3 feet) of water. Do not immerse longer than 30 minutes. Not to be used above 10,000 feet.
