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A man smiling
A man smiling

5 ways to keep low glucose levels at bay

This blog is like an action plan for when you feel your glucose or sugar levels are dropping too low. We suggest you bookmark it to keep handy. Feeling woozy is always a warning sign, and especially when you use insulin to maintain glucose or sugar levels in range.

Without quick attention, this condition, also known as, hypoglycemia can lead to serious complications, so here’s what you need to know if it happens to you or someone close to you:

  1. Monitor your glucose levels
    It is a good idea to check and record your glucose or sugar levels several times a week or multiple times a day, depending on your prescription. Staying within the target range is easier when careful monitoring is involved. Time in Range (Time in Target) is the percentage of the time that the person spends with their glucose levels in the target glucose range.

    Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices have proven to reduce the time spend in hypoglycemia (low glucose events)6
  2. On-time meal-time always
    If you take insulin or oral diabetes medication, be consistent about the amount you eat and the timing of your meals and snacks.
  3. More physical activity than usual calls for more wariness
    When adding more physical exercise to your routine than usual, adjust food and medication intake depending on what the glucose monitoring device reads.
  4. Carry medical identification
    Better safe than sorry. In case of an emergency, it is important to carry some form of diabetes identification so that others know that you have diabetes. Use a medical identification necklace or bracelet and wallet card.
  5. Carry something sweet
    For people with diabetes, it is important to be prepared. A few sweets or candies in the emergency zip bag is great to remain prepared to increase a dropping glucose or sugar level to bring it back in the normal range.

For more of the best food for diabetes control, diets and food for people living with diabetes, exercising tips, and information on the Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices, check out more  diabetes management blogs.

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