
Manage your diabetes with confidence, using FreeStyle Libre, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)

A mother wearing a glucose sensor hugging her 5 year old daughter as they smile at each other.

Know your glucose level without a finger prick

An older man wearing a glucose sensor sharing a lovely family moment with his wife and granddaughter.

Know how your glucose is trending to avoid having a hypo

A woman wearing a glucose sensor exercising in a swimming pool.

Reduce your HbA1c by increasing Time in Range (TIR)

FreeStyle Libre provides a complete glucose picture – with unsurpassed accuracy2

Graph showing blood glucose in recommended range over time.

Increase Time in Range (TIR)19

Graphic representing blood glucose chart values changing significantly.

Understand glucose variability

A graphic representing daytime and night time

Identify daily patterns

Proven HbA1c reduction across T1D and T2D users11

A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 0.55 percent.

Average reduction in A1c§
A1c reduction was observed at 2-4 months and sustained at month 12 in adults and children with T1D and adults with T2D3

§Statistically significant A1c reduction based on the confidence interval range.

A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 0.82 percent.

HbA1c reduction in T2D users who use all types of insulin28

A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 1.1 percent.

HbA1c reduction in T2D users who use basal insulin8

The word Hypo inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 38 percent.

Reduced time spend in hypoglycemia for T1D users6

The word Hypo inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 43 percent.

Reduced time spend in hypoglycemia in T2D users17

Currently using FreeStyle Libre or starting your first sensor? Looking to learn more about managing your glucose and diabetes? Join the MyFreeStyle program today!
My FreeStyle Logo

Abbreviations: CGM: continuous glucose monitoring; hypo: hypoglycemic event, TIR: time in range.

References: 2. Alva S, et al. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2022;16(1):70-77. doi:10.1177/1932296820958754. 6. Bolinder J, et al. Lancet. 2016;388(10057):2254-2263. 8. Carlson AL, et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2022;10:e002590. 11. Evans M, et al. Diabetes Ther 2020;11:83-95. 17. Haak T, et al. Diabetes Therapy 2017;8:55-73. 19. Lang J, et al. Diabetes 2019;68(Supplement_1):972-P. 28. Yaron, M. Diabetes Care 2019;42(7):1178–1184.
