The Time In Range is the percentage of your time that you spend within your target glucose range (3.9mmol/L-10mmol/L)
Here are different examples of Time in Range:
The Time In Range is the percentage of your time that you spend within your target glucose range (3.9mmol/L-10mmol/L)
Here are different examples of Time in Range:
Every 10% increase in the time you spend in the target range can lower your A1c by 0.8%1
Every extra hour in range has a positive impact on your glucose control2
Spending more “Time In Range” can reduce the development of long-term health complications3
Guidelines recommend spending at least 70% of your “Time In Range” (3.9-10mmol/L)2,4
Use the Time In Target report to help you see how food, activities, and medications impact your glucose
Check your glucose more often with a painless5 1-second scan
Pay attention to the glucose trend arrow and take appropriate action
1. Vigersky RA, McMahon C. The relationship of hemoglobin A1c to time-in-range in patients with diabetes.Diabetes Technol Ther. 2019;21(2):81-85.
2. Battelino T, Danne T, Bergenstal RM, et al. Clinical targets for continuous glucose monitoring data interpretation: recommendations from the international consensus on time in range. Diabetes Care. 2019;42(8):1593-1603.
3. Beck RW, Bergenstal RM, Riddlesworth TD, et al. Validation of time in range as an outcome measure for diabetes clinical trials. Diabetes Care. 2019;42(3):400-405.
4. For adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes who are not pregnant, not older, or at risk.
5. Abbott Data on file. In a study conducted by Abbott Diabetes Care, 92% of patients surveyed (n=119) patients agree that it was painless or almost painless to apply the sensor.
6. Finger pricks are required if readings do not match symptoms or expectations.
– Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or Health Care Professional.
– Simulated data for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.
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