
The only meter that tests blood glucose and blood ketone readings in the same meter.

Discover the FreeStyle Optium Neo system

Reader and Sensor

What is it?

A meter that tests blood glucose and blood ketone readings in the same meter.

Glucose sensor viewed side on, showing tiny filament on the side that sticks to your skin.

How does it work?

Using the FreeStyle Optium Strips safely test blood glucose and blood ketone with a tiny blood sample.

The handheld reader being held over a glucose sensor on someone's arm.

How do you use it?

The ultra-thin, lightweight meter measures blood glucose testing in 5 seconds and blood ketone testing in 10 seconds.

FreeStyle Optium Neo Meter25

  • Accurate: Meets the new ISO 15197:2013 criteria for clinical accuracy.
  • Fast: Blood Glucose testing in 5 seconds, blood ketone testing in 10 seconds.
  • Large, easy-to-read, high-contrast screen.
  • Unique insulin logging features.
  • Tells you when your blood glucose levels need attention.

FreeStyle Optium Neo Meter

FreeStyle Optium Strips25

  • Safe: Individually foil-wrapped test strips help prevent contamination. Also has GermiGuard protection.
  • Tiny blood sample, no coding required.
  • Blood ketone strips measure β-Hydroxybutyrate considered as ‘Gold Standard’ in management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

FreeStyle Optium Device

Disclaimer – Images are for illustration purpose only. No actual patient data. Any person depicted in the photos is a model
